Join Stamp a Stack (Cards) or Wall Art (Sampler) Club Today!


Are you a crafting addict?

Do you love getting happy mail?

Do you like someone to do all the thinking and let you just create (I bet it will inspire you to create more on your own!)?

I have TWO clubs that are created just for YOU!  Join one or both!  (Read about Scrapbooking Club here.)

Each month, you will receive a kit in the mail (or pickup), designed by me, that includes a value of over $20 in merchandise, projects with everything possible will be cut/die cut/punched/and embossed, and a PDF tutorial!*
Occasional monthly gifts, too!!

Each month, I will choose one-two stamp sets or one bundle per club and design the projects for you to create. If you don’t already have the stamp set or bundle, you can add it on to your kit at a discount or use what you already have. You will stamp and assemble your own kits.**

As a thank you for being a club member, after 6 consecutive months of membership in one club, you will receive a free gift from me

Each month the club fee will automatically be charged to your account, so you won’t have to worry about missing any deadlines. You can cancel any time. All subscription fees will be billed though Pay Pal.  If you prefer to pay by check or money order, 6 months will be paid at one time. 

Club shipment dates will vary each month, but you will be notified of the date. You can also pick up the kit, attend in person, or pick up the tub of class supplies from me, too!

To skip a month, you can unsubscribe. Club perks are for 6 consecutive months.

There are no refunds, substitutions, or exchanges on club kits.

You can cancel at any time, but if you cancel after the monthly deadline, you will receive that month's kit and not receive a refund. 

You may cancel your subscription at any time with the PayPal link you receive each month from PayPal by email. If you've made a payment for that month's kit and then decide to cancel, you will receive that month's kit and none after.

I will email you with the opportunity to add on the sets/bundles. Each month the deadline to sign up or cancel will fluctuate, but I will send it out by email each month. The deadline is usually the Monday before the 3rd Saturday of each month.  Sign ups after the deadline will receive the next month as their first kit.

*You will cut your own designer paper/kit components.
**Each month you can also sign up to attend the in person class OR the class tub pickup, too (separate registrations)!  I will email these links to club members.  I will also email you links to add on sets/bundles.


1) Stamp a Stack Club $35 with no shipping, $44 with shipping (single class $37)
  • 8 cards, 4 designs, 2 of each! 
  • Cardstock cut/sorted/ready to stamp and assemble
  • Over $20 value in merchandise included
  • PDF Tutorial
  • With or without shipping

Click here to JOIN RECURRING CLUB (email Jennifer for link to take class for ONE TIME ONLY:  

Join Stamp a Stack Club WITH SHIPPING $44

 Join Stamp a Stack Club with NO shipping $35

*If you are in BOTH clubs, only ONE needs shipping

2) Wall Art Club $35 with no shipping, $44 with shipping (single class $37)
  • 12x12 Wall Art project
  • Cardstock cut/sorted/ready to stamp and assemble
  • Over $20 value in merchandise included
  • PDF Tutorial
  • With or without shipping 

Click here to JOIN RECURRING CLUB (email Jennifer for link to take class for ONE TIME ONLY: 

Join Sampler club WITH SHIPPING $44 (now called Wall Art)

Join Sampler Club with NO shipping $35 (now called Wall Art)

 *If you are in BOTH clubs, only ONE needs shipping

 *Log in to your PayPal account to cancel club membership.


Penny said...

First, I just found your blog and you Tube videos - WOW! I am impressed and entirely overwhelmed. Can't stop watching!!!

I am a hobby demonstrator but experimenting with some classes. I appreciate all the help I can get! I'm curious, are the monthly thank you bonus of $25 in any merchandise of your choice, cumulative are you expected to spend it during that month?

Anonymous said...

Are some of your videos associated with the making of the Stamp a Stack cards you send out each month?

Jennifer Cotton said...

Penny - Sometimes I do demonstrate the Stamp a Stack cards on my videos. This isn't guaranteed each month, however. The $25 is chosen from current merchandise the month you are eligible to redeem it. I hope this helps! I wasn't notified of your message, so sorry!!

Anonymous said...

Do you have any of the reindeer stamp a stacks left? If so I’d like to buy it.