These are the projects we made at card club this month.
I have a new card club starting - I only need 5 more members!!
Club details:
Hostess Clubs Available:
1.Card Club – you want lots of stuff, and you want to learn new stamping techniques:
Once a month for the next 10 months you commit to purchasing at least $15.00 (before tax & shipping) worth of Stampin’ Up! products. There will be a workshop held each month at my house that all of the members can attend, however, you never have to attend a workshop if you don’t want to. At each workshop, there will be planned projects to complete (must be present to receive projects OR a club member can stamp yours for you).
You receive the catalog FREE! Orders must be placed at the time of the monthly workshop. (If you can’t attend, just contact me with your order and arrange to make payment.)
When it is your month to receive the hostess benefits, you may invite guests to boost your workshop sales. Guests pay $5 for the projects, or it’s free for them with any order of $15 or more (guest club member). You may also collect outside orders to boost your sales. When you are hostess, you can make one request for the month (within reason – card type and/or techniques – at my discretion).
The club meets on the third Saturday of each month at 6:30 AND the following Monday at 9 AM and 7 PM. You only need to come to ONE date each month, and you DO NOT have to come to the same day every month. The projects are the same for all 3 times. A drawing will be held before the first workshop to decide who is the first hostess, second hostess, and so on. You will be notified as soon as the drawing has been held of the month you will be the “hostess” – the month you receive hostess benefits based on the orders that month. There is more than one club meeting at these same times, so the guests at the club may or may not be in "your club".
2.Scrapper’s Club – NOT just for scrapbookers!
Once a month for the next 10 months you commit to purchasing at least $15 (before tax & shipping) worth of Stampin’ Up! products. Each month, we meet at my house on the 3rd Friday of each month at 9 am OR 7 pm, and I will provide the supplies and directions for 3 pages (2 page layout plus one page that will be completed the following month). By the end of the club, you will have a completed 30 page album!! Each month, a different member will receive the hostess benefits for the orders placed that month. Orders must be placed at the time of the monthly workshop. (If you can’t attend, just contact me with your order and arrange to make payment.) You can collect outside orders to boost your sales and invite extra guests (space permitting). Guest pay $5 if the decide not to place a “guest” club member order of the club minimum. You must bring adhesive to the club. You also receive the catalog FREE!
If you are interested in joining a club, just let me know OR sign below. Thanks!